Cigniti @ FutureTech Government, Australia

Cigniti today hosted uniquely formatted round-table discussion forum at “FutureTech Government Australia”  (FST) held in capital city Canberra.  We got to meet few dozen senior leaders of various Australian Govt Departments at our round table, listened to their pain points in the mobile testing space, and evangelized mobile testing trends and our thought leadership. The delegates attending the event were all from government, and were mix of CIOs, GMs, directors of IT and IT managers involved in key digital transformation projects.

Gary Pettigrove, who is the CIO for Australian National Audit office, moderated our round table.  He evangelized Cigniti as if he is working with Cigniti for a long time. He positioned Cigniti really well, elicited pain points from all the participants and related how Cigniti helped ANAO in Mobile Testing.  He had me summarize Cigniti USP in each of the sessions.

Thanks to Cigniti Marketing team for all the logistics and getting the event organized in a short notice.  Shyam authored Mobile Testing white paper from my team, which can be downloaded via this link. Kevin Denman (Vice President, ANZ) and Rebecca Lane (from our Sales) were part of the round table sessions and brought much needed local warmth and presence and connected well with both known contacts and new contacts.

I felt,  Govt. sector is heading in the right direction with significant investments in digital transformation and have dedicated office for innovation.   I was quite impressed by the ATO (Australian Tax Office) presentation on their journey towards digital transformation, and what they have achieved in last 5 years when compared in last 15 years.   They seem to be the role model organisation for rest of the Govt. organizations

About FST:  FutureTech Government is tailored specifically for drivers of technology driven-change within the Australian Federal Government. The program will feature senior leaders at the forefront of public sector innovation. FutureTech Government offers unique opportunities for leading technology leaders to have in-depth discussions with their peers across agencies with unique peer-to-peer roundtable discussion format.

Please see below link for 2-minute video capsule from today’s event.


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2 thoughts on “Cigniti @ FutureTech Government, Australia

  1. Thanks for posting a descriptive account of the event, Sai. Its great to see Cigniti getting so much visibility in the leading markets! Participation in such events show that we are in tandem with the latest trends & supportive of the Industry transformation.


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